Solihull Approach Ante Natal Programme
What is Solihull Antenatal?
The Solihull Antenatal group is a 5 week programme for expectant parents and their families. It covers topics that help to provide an understanding of pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby. The group is led by Family Support Workers with support from Health Visitors and Midwives. The group provides an opportunity to meet other expectant parents and families in a nurturing environment.
WEEK 1 – Helping your baby and you through pregnancy and birth
- Recognise and understand your feelings
- Recognise what/who helps you process your feelings relating to your baby during your pregnancy and birth
- Think about the support needed during pregnancy
WEEK 2 – Getting to know your baby in the womb
- Get to know your baby and develop your relationship
- Understand the positions of your baby in the womb
- Understand how your baby is developing: brain, sensory and physical development
WEEK 3 – You, your baby and the stages of labour
- Get to know your baby through the labour and birth
- Understand signs of labour
- Understand stages of labour
WEEK 4 – Helping you and your baby through labour and birth
- Understand active birth positions
- Understand the process of labour – including how the baby helps
- Think about pain relief
- Think about support in labour and at home
WEEK 5 – Feeding your baby
- Bonding and developing a relationship with your baby
- How to keep your baby safe
- Baby blues and postnatal depression
- Different ways of feeding your baby and the support available
Interested in attending?

Sign up for the Solihill Antenatal Course here
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